Friday, July 21, 2006

The congressman from Florida loses his mind

I'm not here to say mixing cocaine and prostitutes wouldn't be fun.

Of course, Florida Congressman Robert Wexler wasn't being serious when he readily suggested it would.

But why? Why? WHY would you say that on national television? Even if you are clearly kidding and it is probably true.

It happened yesterday and it is already all over the internet. Wexler is going to be known, for the rest of his life, as the congressman who said he cocaine and prostitutes equal fun.

If you watch the whole clip, Wexler is clever and in control of Stephen Colbert until the subjects of drugs and hookers come up and the fake journalist smacks away the Congressman's better sense.

Sure, Wexler's closing volley of jokes were funny and he was being a good sport, but it might be a good idea for an elected official to maintain a small semblance of decorum.

Even on a fake news show.

1 comment:

JT said...

I don't know why politicians go on Colbert's show. But that might be because I only time I see it when one of them makes a fool of himself and gets onthe internet. It's usualy some deeply religious politician from the Midwest who has no idea Colbert isn't real. What baffles me is Wexler seemed like he was aware of what was going on, and actually used the beginning of the interview to make valid points. That is why his regression at the end was troubling. Joking around is one thing, but you can't have it both ways.

Then again, I guess there are no rules for the new world of "fake news."