Tuesday, July 18, 2006

What kind of soccer player is Jeremy Keif?

Over the last 24 hours, four different search engine inquiries involving a soccer player named "Jeremy Keif" (who may or may not perform "tricks") have directed the inquirer to this blog. The searches have come from such diverse location as South Dakota and England.

My attempts to gather information on Jeremy Keif have so far been thwarted. Every time I try, I also find this blog is the most promising source for information on Jeremy Keif, the trickster soccer player. Of course this blog knows nothing of Jeremy Keif, or what kind of soccer tricks he might perform.

I keep trying, but it is a never-ending circle.

I realize this post will just encourage more Jeremy Keif inquires be directed towards jsb. Assuming there is a Jeremy Keif, who plays soccer and might do tricks, and this is not just some kind of one-in-a-trillion cosmic coincidence.

But it will also increase the likelihood that someone who reads this is able to tell me who this Jeremy Keif is and what kind of soccer-related tricks he performs. If he does perform tricks.


JK said...

In your "Greatest Back to Back Songs" post, you spelled Keith Richards's name wrong:

"Their music is better when Keif sings, or when Mick goes faux-country. . . ."

A "Jeremy Keif" search without quotation marks will hit JSB for that reason.

JT said...

I was actually spelling Keif's name how Mick says it, but yes that must be the reason. (Maybe I should try Jeremy Keith) I still don't know who this Jeremy Keif is, and what kind of soccer tricks he performs, and why four separate people are looking for imformation on him and his tricks that probably involve a soccer ball.