Monday, July 24, 2006

Idle threat of the week

There comes a time when one just has to stand back and marvel. During a week of carnage in the Holy Land that spawned some heated but wholly unrealistic rhetoric, the other JT has stepped up to claim his unprecedented third consecutive Idle Threat of the Week.

Sensing he needed to bring out the big guns to retain his title for the week of July 18-24, Justin Timberlake went to the extraordinary length of leaking his new
single. In it he threatens:

Them other fuckers wait till I attack
If that's your girl you better watch your back
Cause she'll burn it up for me and that's a fact

Now our judges don't doubt Timberlake can pull tail. He has enjoyed the company of some of our more comely starlets and pop singers. But, ominously, Timberlake doesn't specify whom these "other fuckers" he intends on forcibly robbing are. Thus anyone listening to his song and in possession of a girl is in his targeted "other fucker"demographic.

The song is projected to go in at #1.

Timberlake has already committed to
"changing pop music" and "bringing sexy back." In light of these obligations "burning it up" with literally millions of woman is not a remote possibility. Even Wilt would have balked at such an exaggeration.

Nevertheless, if idle threats were bullets or rockets that could used in a hand-held rocket launcher, I'd want Justin Timberlake in my foxhole.


Anonymous said...

the image of the two JTs in one foxhole is no less dicey than the image of Justin "burning it up" in a plethora of other holes.

JT said...

I can oly apologize for that.