Monday, August 07, 2006

Idle threat of the week

During a week when a famous heiress threatened a year-long vow of celibacy and a famous despot threatened to be a alive when he could well be dead, a famous face-painter has won the Idle Threat of the Week.

Katherine Harris, a Republican congresswoman from Florida, took the coveted crown by threatening to win a seat in the United States Senate.

While such a sentiment is generally encouraged in a candidate for public office, what makes Harris's declaration highly threatening (and completely idle) is not only is she opposed in her efforts by Florida Democrats but also Florida Republicans, National Republicans, the Department of Justice, her former campaign staff, most of her rapidly dwindling current staff and all otherwise disinterested parties who have had what appears to be the extreme misfortune of meeting Ms. Harris.

Lest Harris become depressed about this state of affairs, she only need remember she has proven herself to be highly competent in an electoral recount pinch, and she has beat the odds to capture Idle Threat of the Week for August 1-7.

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